Research Interests

  • Software Reliability and Security
  • Software Verification
  • Static Analysis
  • Superoptimization




  • Churchill B., Padon O., Sharma R., Aiken A. "Semantic Program Alignment for Equivalence Checking". PLDI 2019. pdf. source code.
  • Churchill B., Sharma R., Bastien JF, Aiken A. "Sound Loop Superoptimization for Google Native Client". ASPLOS 2017. pdf.
  • Sharma R., Schkufza E., Churchill B., Aiken A. "Conditionally Correct Superoptimization". OOPSLA 2015. pdf
  • Hardekopf B., Wiedermann B., Churchill B., Kashyap V. "Widening for Control-Flow". VMCAI 2014. pdf.
  • Sharma R., Schkufza E., Churchill B., Aiken, A. "Data Driven Equivalence Checking." OOPSLA 2013. pdf.
  • Churchill B., and Lamagna, E. A. "Summing symbols in mutual recurrences." In Computing and Combinatorics, B. Fu and D.-Z. Du, Eds., vol. 6842 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin / Heidel- berg, 2011, pp. 531-542. pdf. slides.
    The original publication is available from


  • Churchill, B. R., and Lamagna, E. A. "An Efficient Algorithm for Deriving Summation Identities from Mutual Recurrences". Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications. 04(02), 2012. pdf.


  • Churchill, B. R. "Blackbox Equivalence Checking of Program Optimizations". PhD Thesis. 2019. pdf.
  • Churchill, B. R. "Semi-Symmetric Graphs of Valence 5" (Mathematics Senior Thesis). 2012. pdf. slides